medicinal-imaging/exercise/1. Introduction Julia/Julia Intro - exercise.jl

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### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.19.12
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
# This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error).
macro bind(def, element)
local iv = try Base.loaded_modules[Base.PkgId(Base.UUID("6e696c72-6542-2067-7265-42206c756150"), "AbstractPlutoDingetjes")].Bonds.initial_value catch; b -> missing; end
local el = $(esc(element))
global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : iv(el)
# ╔═╡ 96ec00fc-6f14-11eb-329e-19e4835643db
using PlutoUI; PlutoUI.TableOfContents(depth=2)
# ╔═╡ fec108ca-6f97-11eb-06d9-6fe1646f8b98
using Plots
# ╔═╡ 349d7534-6212-11eb-2bc5-db5be39b6bb6
# Numerical Methods of Medical Imaging - Exercise 1
[Institute for Biomedical Imaging](, Hamburg University of Technology
* 👨‍🏫 Prof. Dr. Tobias Knopp
* 👨‍🏫 Dr. Martin Möddel
###### Lab Course & Exercises
Exercises will cover numerical problems related to the lecture. It will be your task to solve these problems with the methods provided within the scope of the lecture and lab course. The lab course aims to teach you some core programming paradigms related to medical imaging and scientific programming.
# ╔═╡ 6abc4d6a-da75-42bf-a62a-b98bb69585aa
# Getting Started with Julia
* 📅 Due date: 01.11.2022, 12 a.m.
* You can earn 0.5 point for exercise 1 to 10 and 1 point for the last exercise (6 points in total).
"Automation" taken from [xkcd]( is licensed under [CC]( [BY-NC 2.5]( license.
# ╔═╡ 237ef27e-6266-11eb-3cf4-1b2223eabfd9
## 1. Assignment Statements
An assignment statement creates a new variable and assigns a value to it. E.g.
# ╔═╡ 6c060eec-6266-11eb-0b23-e5be08d78823
text = "Hello World!"
# ╔═╡ 830c9ed0-6266-11eb-27ba-07773c842fed
assigns `"Hello World!"` to the variable `text`.
Variable names can be as long as you like. They can contain almost all Unicode characters, but must not begin with a number. It is allowed to use upper case letters, but it is common to use only lower case letters for variable names.
# ╔═╡ f4270146-6216-11eb-391e-01a476fcfccd
###### 🎓 a)
**Assign the number `10` to the Variable `n`.**
# ╔═╡ b5fff126-6215-11eb-1018-bd2e4f638f65
n = missing
# ╔═╡ 3249157e-6267-11eb-3dca-8949d7c0e3c9
###### 🎓 b)
Unicode characters can be entered using the tab completion of $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$-like abbreviations.
**Assign a value to the Unicode character for the small alpha.**
# ╔═╡ ce1d05da-6267-11eb-136c-23c5c54a1559
😱 = 3
# ╔═╡ 1695a810-6268-11eb-3932-fb8885097f70
## 2. Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation can be performed by the operators `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, and `^`, respectively. E.g.
# ╔═╡ 77cefbd4-662e-11eb-1b1d-91da61cc3823
a1 = 2+2
# ╔═╡ 88776120-662e-11eb-1542-fd26e4f126b1
stores the result of $2+2$ in the variable `a1`. A full list of supported operations can be found [here](
# ╔═╡ 874a1a5c-6632-11eb-2705-e914f01b9762
For mathematical operators, Julia follows mathematical conventions. Therefore, the following two expressions are equivalent.
# ╔═╡ 812bbd7e-6632-11eb-29f8-3f48329f0ac9
# ╔═╡ aeaa97ae-6632-11eb-0ea2-7febd8b3e965
# ╔═╡ b0d35a9a-662e-11eb-34f5-c9a5fd9bb9a6
###### 🎓 a)
**Calculate $2^8$ with Julia and store the result in the variable `a2`.**
# ╔═╡ d285737a-662f-11eb-390e-1d1e2437de71
a2 = missing
# ╔═╡ 5d04cbea-6630-11eb-3bee-c182aa912653
###### 🎓 b)
When an expression contains more than one operator, the order of evaluation depends on the operator precedence.
**Make use of parentheses `()` to group addition and exponentiation correctly to calculate $2^{4+4}$ with Julia and store the result in the variable `a3`.**
# ╔═╡ 0ae0cf56-6632-11eb-262a-191ea74ec517
a3 = missing
# ╔═╡ 0fe8c31e-663a-11eb-1acb-17d3d7615e64
## 3. Functions
In Julia, a function is an object that maps a tuple of argument values to a return value. They are not pure mathematical functions, because they can alter and be affected by the global state of the program.
The basic syntax for defining functions in Julia is:
# ╔═╡ 478dde3c-663a-11eb-3244-e7449c93b3a5
function f(x,y)
return x + y
# ╔═╡ 68f2b1b0-663a-11eb-1b6d-b176d905f65b
###### 🎓 a)
**Write a function `double(x)` that multiplies its input argument by 2.**
# ╔═╡ 8d509116-663b-11eb-0e98-dd27598740fe
function double(x)
return missing
# ╔═╡ 06c9bcec-663d-11eb-3062-85c0983a79eb
## 4. Conditional Evaluation
Conditional evaluation allows portions of code to be evaluated or not evaluated depending on the value of a boolean expression.
###### 🎓 a)
Read the julia documentation on [Conditional Evaluation](
**Define the Heaviside step function `heaviside(x)`, whose value is `0` for negative arguments and `1` for non-negative arguments.**
# ╔═╡ 9fd96950-6651-11eb-25f7-c964ab504b4a
function heaviside(x)
return missing
# ╔═╡ 34824462-6654-11eb-2b38-19d14aa309af
## 5. Iteration
There are two constructs for repeated evaluation of expressions: the while loop and the for loop. Both are documented [here](
###### 🎓 a)
A prime number is only evenly divisible by itself and 1.
**Implement a function `isprime(x)` that returns `true` for any prime input and `false` else.**
# ╔═╡ 6895356c-6655-11eb-3849-b3fa387df754
function isprime(x)
return missing
# ╔═╡ 9687bc24-666c-11eb-3b1e-edb5c448bad8
If you have trouble figuring out a solution you may find this hint helpful. However, first try solving the problem on your own!
# ╔═╡ 9d3e9a92-6469-11eb-2952-b37367644c48
## 6. Primitive Numeric Types
In the documentation on [Integers and Floating-Point Numbers]( we find:
> Julia provides a broad range of primitive numeric types, and a full complement of arithmetic and bitwise operators as well as standard mathematical functions are defined over them. These map directly onto numeric types and operations that are natively supported on modern computers, thus allowing Julia to take full advantage of computational resources.
You can inspect the type of any variable or value by using the `typeof` function
# ╔═╡ f3cd5320-66d6-11eb-191c-4b4d8cba940d
# ╔═╡ f5805956-66d6-11eb-04e8-b1faae8f0d3c
# ╔═╡ c72359f4-66d7-11eb-395f-b3a1983a6eea
# ╔═╡ bdea6774-66d7-11eb-1c62-8f0e935f98ef
###### 🎓 a)
Take a look into the documentation and assign an 8-bit unsigned integer of any value to the variable `m`.
# ╔═╡ fb73ea0c-66d7-11eb-001c-23033aee228a
m = missing
# ╔═╡ 2b99da2c-666d-11eb-1c64-337654a9d8f2
## 7. Ranges
In Julia one can use range objects to represent a sequence of numbers. These can then be used to iterate through a loop. E.g.
# ╔═╡ d39fbca0-66db-11eb-1aae-7b29f559cb01
for i in 1:5
continue # this does nothing and skips to the next iteration
# ╔═╡ 1bcd317c-66e8-11eb-10df-c132d5f79155
###### 🎓 a)
**Use a range object to sum up all values from `1` to `n` in the function `sumup(n)`.**
# ╔═╡ 66c4f3fc-66db-11eb-0927-ebe1d40eeb3b
function sumup(n)
return missing
# ╔═╡ 575d9e52-6468-11eb-2f95-63cd3920f91a
## 8. Vectors
Often we want to store and process multiple values. In Julia one can combine a a sequence of values of any type into a vector.
There are several ways to create a new array, the simplest is to enclose the elements in square brackets.
# ╔═╡ 2e6c3c30-66e6-11eb-10f0-ddaa1752cff9
["first element",2,3.0]
# ╔═╡ d701d778-66e7-11eb-16c2-ab49fc06e992
###### 🎓 a)
**Create a vector `v` containing the numbers 1 to 10 in ascending order.**
# ╔═╡ 055baa32-66e7-11eb-20fc-575565bda51b
v = missing
# ╔═╡ 91c222ea-66e6-11eb-28ce-c1f1424525c8
## 9. Comprehensions
[Comprehensions]( provide a general and powerful way to construct arrays. Comprehension syntax is similar to set construction notation in mathematics.
# ╔═╡ b5db566a-66e6-11eb-35fb-17d3fc4e258c
A = [π*i for i in 1:5]
# ╔═╡ a44eb7ea-66e9-11eb-10fa-2b0936b9f489
###### 🎓 a)
**Create a vector `w` containing the numbers 2,4,6,... to 1000 in ascending order.**
# ╔═╡ d8f306ca-66e9-11eb-3728-156d0328250b
w = missing
# ╔═╡ 673cc322-666e-11eb-107f-2b9bd6826ad5
## 10. Broadcasting
[Broadcasting]( enables the convenient vectorization of mathematical and other operations. To this end Julia provides the dot syntax, e.g.
# ╔═╡ 1bf921be-66eb-11eb-089a-97dfe9418b32
# ╔═╡ 455d0b7c-66eb-11eb-3167-4b204ac741a5
for element wise operations over arrays
# ╔═╡ 529a7324-66eb-11eb-0c1f-c37639e37a6e
###### 🎓 a)
**Use the dot syntax to divide all elements of `A` by π and store the result in the variable `B`.**
# ╔═╡ a87e36c4-66eb-11eb-223e-a1b077dca672
B = missing
# ╔═╡ 0aa99f86-6f97-11eb-2141-2d35c3e0857d
## 11. Julia Eco System
Julia has a wide ecosystem of packages, maintained by a wide variety of people. In the best of academic ideals, Julia users from across the world come together to create mutually compatible and supporting packages for their domains. To manage these collections of packages they often use GitHub organizations and various other communication channels, most also have channels on the main Julia Slack channel, and sub-forums on the main Julia Discourse forum (see [Community](
###### Pkg
Pkg is Julia's built-in package manager and handles operations such as installing, updating and removing packages.
Before we can start we need to add the packages we want to use. This can be done using the package manager `Pkg`. However Pluto has it's own build-in package manager and Pkg is not needed anymore if one works inside Pluto notebooks.
# ╔═╡ f77039b0-6f97-11eb-177b-2730efcb4dcd
We will focus on how to make use of the `Plots` package.
We can start `using` methods and objects exported by packages by
# ╔═╡ 1559f57e-6f98-11eb-3539-1b1ae82c439b
## 12. Plotting
[Plots]( is a visualization interface and tool set. It sits above other backends, like GR, PyPlot, PGFPlotsX, or Plotly, connecting commands with implementation. If one backend does not support your desired features or make the right trade-offs, you can just switch to another backend with one command. No need to change your code. No need to learn a new syntax.
The goals with the package are:
* Powerful. Do more with less. Complex visualizations become easy.
* Intuitive. Start generating plots without reading volumes of documentation. Commands should "just work."
* Concise. Less code means fewer mistakes and more efficient development and analysis.
* Consistent. Don't commit to one graphics package. Use the same code and access the strengths of all backends.
A `Plots` cheat sheet is available [here](
# ╔═╡ 36e6783c-6f98-11eb-0b09-db56907e370d
Data is supplied to the `plot` function as arguments (`x`, or `x`,`y`, or `x`,`y`,`z`). To this end let us consider the following arguments
# ╔═╡ 3f4422ce-6f98-11eb-111f-4d1624a326c7
x = range(0,2π,length=100)
y = map(sin,x)
z = map(cos,x)
# ╔═╡ 44ee1586-6f98-11eb-3452-f7db9e3738ad
###### 🎓 a)
**Call the plot function with a single argument. Try out all arguments `x`, `y`, and `z`.**
# ╔═╡ 4a8f3088-6f98-11eb-1d0e-4b1ba2e676ae
# ╔═╡ 50cc4f32-6f98-11eb-25a4-ebaf581955ea
###### 🎓 b)
**Call the plot function with two argument. Try out different combinations of arguments.**
# ╔═╡ 56177258-6f98-11eb-276f-7d8053bdcb86
# ╔═╡ 5733a026-6f98-11eb-1b50-c75f87fbabe5
###### 🎓 c)
**Call the plot function with all three arguments. What happens if you exchange their order?**
# ╔═╡ 5d770eb4-6f98-11eb-3206-8d26f2717981
# ╔═╡ 6824d1f2-6f98-11eb-12f1-adf1271af917
Arguments are interpreted flexible. We have already seen that we can plot `x`, which is no `Vector`, but an iterable object.
###### 🎓 d)
**Plot the `exp` function over the range given by `x` by passing `x` and `exp` directly.**
# ╔═╡ 6debc444-6f98-11eb-3c9e-4dc533fe13ec
# ╔═╡ 77d17b00-6f98-11eb-37ad-dd347db13fb3
Data can be plotted together as series, as is the default. There are different series types available to change the way the data is visualized.
###### 🎓 e)
**This can be achieved by using the `seriestype` keyword argument. Take your time and explore the different `seriestype` options listed.**
# ╔═╡ 8b852fd4-6f98-11eb-1b3a-7ff47c51e99e
@bind seriestype1 Select(["line" => :line,"path" => :path, "steppre" => :steppre, "steppost" => :steppost, "sticks" => :sticks, "scatter" => :scatter])
# ╔═╡ 8f566768-6f98-11eb-20ae-45d6f39cd210
plot(y,z, seriestype=seriestype1)
# ╔═╡ 961e9cd2-6f98-11eb-362c-517edab85a8c
We can modify [attributes]( of a plot by passing keyword arguments (for example, `plot(y, color = :blue)`).
###### 🎓 f)
**Recreate the plot above with a label using the keyword `label`. Pass the `String` `"circle"` to the argument.**
# ╔═╡ a32f2a4a-6f98-11eb-18f9-efb51aac288c
plot(y,z, label="circle")
# ╔═╡ acc530cc-6f98-11eb-330e-077fcaf5bd62
In most cases, passing a (`n` × `m`) matrix of values (numbers, etc) will create `m` series, each with `n` data points.
###### 🎓 g)
**Take your time and explore how the different options affect the plot.**
# ╔═╡ e5ca1bf8-6f98-11eb-1bd9-6f2f1fbe55c9
# 100 data points in 4 series
yseries = [sin.(x) cos.(x) 2sin.(x) 2cos.(x)]
# ╔═╡ eba05204-6f98-11eb-1e7c-4f7b49962f23
@bind seriestype2 Select(["line" => :line,"path" => :path, "steppre" => :steppre, "steppost" => :steppost, "sticks" => :sticks, "scatter" => :scatter])
# ╔═╡ f22b7874-6f98-11eb-0417-1de0d171c4ad
plot(yseries,z, seriestype=seriestype2)
# ╔═╡ f8265ba4-6f98-11eb-3938-0b38b2b93285
We can pass attributes for each element in a series by passing a row vector
###### 🎓 h)
**Recreate the plot above with labels `["circle" "ellipse" "line1" "line2"]`.**
# ╔═╡ fd8522ec-6f98-11eb-0a3c-01a91ee48de9
plot(yseries,z, seriestype=seriestype2, label = ["circle" "ellipse" "line1" "line2"])
# ╔═╡ 0cce95b2-6f99-11eb-1161-1d446c3bbe44
Using Plots we can also visualize rectangular data arrays using the heatmap function. This could be a map of temperatures, or population density for example.
Here a simple academic example of such an array
# ╔═╡ 1a12d5a8-6f99-11eb-0e46-1529f881a3b0
function pyramid(x,y)
u = abs(x)
v = abs(y)
return (1-max(u,v))
xs = -1.95:0.1:1.95
ys = -1.95:0.1:1.95
zs = [pyramid(x,y) for x in xs, y in ys]
# ╔═╡ 214ce458-6f99-11eb-0963-7965b5fba93a
and its visualization
# ╔═╡ 29efc990-6f99-11eb-0633-63fb74c5bebf
# ╔═╡ 2f3b762e-6f99-11eb-12f0-2d42ed8237e0
Colorizing images helps the human visual system pick out detail, estimate quantitative values, and notice patterns in data in a more intuitive fashion. However, the choice of the color map can have a significant impact on a given task.
To this end `Plots` has a very large number of color maps available. A complete list of readily available schemes can be found [here](
###### 🎓 i)
**Explore the different color maps. Do they influence your perception of the linear rise flanks of the pyramid?**
# ╔═╡ 372fa56c-6f99-11eb-115d-275699f1c05c
colors = Dict("viridis" => :viridis, "blackbody" => :blackbody, "temperaturemap" => :temperaturemap, "thermometer" => :thermometer, "turbo" => :turbo, "vangogh" => :vangogh, "vermeer" => :vermeer, "pastel" => :pastel, "coffee" => :coffee);
@bind cname Select(collect(keys(colors)))
# ╔═╡ 473b6dec-6f99-11eb-04f0-07006f1996ba
heatmap(xs, ys, zs,
c = colors[cname],
xlims = (-2,2),
ylims = (-2,2),
aspect_ratio = 1,
xlabel = "x",
ylabel = "y"
# ╔═╡ bf493588-6f14-11eb-3ddf-b7ce036aff36
hint(text) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("hint", "Hint", [text]))
not_defined(variable_name) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("danger", "Oh, oh! 😱", [md"Variable **$(Markdown.Code(string(variable_name)))** is not defined. You should probably do something about this."]))
still_missing(text=md"Replace `missing` with your solution.") = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("warning", "Let's go!", [text]))
keep_working(text=md"The answer is not quite right.") = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("danger", "Keep working on it!", [text]));
yays = [md"Great! 🥳", md"Correct! 👏", md"Tada! 🎉"]
correct(text=md"$(rand(yays)) Let's move on to the next task.") = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("correct", "Got it!", [text]))
# ╔═╡ b9dbaf62-6215-11eb-3a7d-0b882b1a10b0
if !@isdefined(n)
elseif ismissing(n)
elseif !(n isa Number)
keep_working(md"`n` has not been assigned a number.")
elseif n != 10
keep_working(md"`n` has been assigned the wrong value.")
# ╔═╡ cf933c04-6267-11eb-3317-ed1a42e8c64e
if !@isdefined(α)
# ╔═╡ de2a045c-662f-11eb-1d80-65fe7d8e0db3
if !@isdefined(a2)
elseif ismissing(a2)
elseif !(a2 isa Number)
keep_working(md"`a2` has not been assigned a number.")
elseif a2 != 256
keep_working(md"`a2` has been assigned the wrong value.")
# ╔═╡ f279b1ee-6631-11eb-0809-bf0699c636f2
if !@isdefined(a3)
elseif ismissing(a3)
elseif !(a3 isa Number)
keep_working(md"`a3` has not been assigned a number.")
elseif a3 != 256
keep_working(md"`a3` has been assigned the wrong value.")
# ╔═╡ bb8694b8-663b-11eb-03a1-49713346bdf3
let x = rand()
if !@isdefined(double)
elseif !hasmethod(double,Tuple{Int})
keep_working(md"No method `double` with a single input argument defined.")
elseif ismissing(double(0))
elseif double(0) !=0 || double(x) != 2x
keep_working(md"`double(x)` does not return twice its value.")
# ╔═╡ de2903cc-6652-11eb-30c3-7114b15fa6e1
if !@isdefined(heaviside)
elseif ismissing(heaviside(0))
elseif heaviside(0) !=1
keep_working(md"`heaviside(0)` does not return 1.")
elseif heaviside(-1) != 0
keep_working(md"`heaviside(-1)` does not return 0")
elseif heaviside(1) != 1
keep_working(md"`heaviside(0)` does not return 1.")
# ╔═╡ 6b9a4b64-6656-11eb-10ce-7b4a8b3cd6a4
if !@isdefined(isprime)
elseif ismissing(isprime(1))
elseif typeof(isprime(1)) != Bool
keep_working(md"`isprime(1)` does return neither `true` or `false`.")
elseif isprime(1)
keep_working(md"`isprime(1)` does not return `false`.")
elseif !isprime(2)
keep_working(md"`isprime(2)` does not return `true`.")
elseif !isprime(2)
keep_working(md"`isprime(3)` does not return `true`.")
elseif isprime(4)
keep_working(md"`isprime(4)` does not return `false`.")
elseif !isprime(999331)
keep_working(md"`isprime(999331)` does not return `true`.")
# ╔═╡ a4a9afe4-6656-11eb-0664-83cb32ce934b
hint(md"Take a look at the documentations of the functions `rem` and `sqrt`. They might be helpful.")
# ╔═╡ 07491ca8-66d8-11eb-3304-99f911b4bd1d
if !@isdefined(m)
elseif ismissing(m)
elseif !(m isa UInt8)
keep_working(md"`m` is not assigned a 8-bit unsigned integer.")
# ╔═╡ 2c63db0a-66dc-11eb-1a45-7902d591c3e1
if !@isdefined(sumup)
elseif ismissing(sumup(0))
elseif sumup(0) != 0
keep_working(md"`sumup(0)` is expected to return 0.")
elseif sumup(100) != 5050
keep_working(md"`sumup(100)` is expected to return 5050.")
# ╔═╡ 6a3905f4-66e6-11eb-0607-5534821caee6
if !@isdefined(v)
elseif ismissing(v)
elseif !(typeof(v) <: AbstractVector)
keep_working(md"`v` is no vector.")
elseif diff(v) != ones(9) || v[1] != 1
keep_working(md"`v` does not seem to contain the numbers 1 to 10.")
# ╔═╡ 2561d38a-66ea-11eb-10ab-27db1a87970b
if !@isdefined(w)
elseif ismissing(w)
elseif !(typeof(w) <: AbstractVector)
keep_working(md"`w` is no vector.")
elseif diff(w) != 2*ones(499) || w[1] != 2
keep_working(md"`w` does not seem to contain the numbers 2,4,6,... to 1000.")
# ╔═╡ b135affc-66eb-11eb-188b-a32ef1478ee6
if !@isdefined(B)
elseif ismissing(B)
elseif !(typeof(B) <: AbstractVector)
keep_working(md"`B` is no vector.")
elseif diff(B) != ones(4) || B[1] != 1
keep_working(md"`B` is expected to contain 1,2,3,4,5.")
# ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
PlutoUI = "7f904dfe-b85e-4ff6-b463-dae2292396a8"
Plots = "~1.35.2"
PlutoUI = "~0.7.43"
# ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised
deps = ["Pkg"]
git-tree-sha1 = "8eaf9f1b4921132a4cff3f36a1d9ba923b14a481"
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# ╟─f4270146-6216-11eb-391e-01a476fcfccd
# ╠═b5fff126-6215-11eb-1018-bd2e4f638f65
# ╟─b9dbaf62-6215-11eb-3a7d-0b882b1a10b0
# ╟─3249157e-6267-11eb-3dca-8949d7c0e3c9
# ╠═ce1d05da-6267-11eb-136c-23c5c54a1559
# ╟─cf933c04-6267-11eb-3317-ed1a42e8c64e
# ╟─1695a810-6268-11eb-3932-fb8885097f70
# ╠═77cefbd4-662e-11eb-1b1d-91da61cc3823
# ╟─88776120-662e-11eb-1542-fd26e4f126b1
# ╟─874a1a5c-6632-11eb-2705-e914f01b9762
# ╠═812bbd7e-6632-11eb-29f8-3f48329f0ac9
# ╠═aeaa97ae-6632-11eb-0ea2-7febd8b3e965
# ╟─b0d35a9a-662e-11eb-34f5-c9a5fd9bb9a6
# ╠═d285737a-662f-11eb-390e-1d1e2437de71
# ╟─de2a045c-662f-11eb-1d80-65fe7d8e0db3
# ╟─5d04cbea-6630-11eb-3bee-c182aa912653
# ╠═0ae0cf56-6632-11eb-262a-191ea74ec517
# ╟─f279b1ee-6631-11eb-0809-bf0699c636f2
# ╟─0fe8c31e-663a-11eb-1acb-17d3d7615e64
# ╠═478dde3c-663a-11eb-3244-e7449c93b3a5
# ╟─68f2b1b0-663a-11eb-1b6d-b176d905f65b
# ╠═8d509116-663b-11eb-0e98-dd27598740fe
# ╟─bb8694b8-663b-11eb-03a1-49713346bdf3
# ╟─06c9bcec-663d-11eb-3062-85c0983a79eb
# ╠═9fd96950-6651-11eb-25f7-c964ab504b4a
# ╟─de2903cc-6652-11eb-30c3-7114b15fa6e1
# ╟─34824462-6654-11eb-2b38-19d14aa309af
# ╠═6895356c-6655-11eb-3849-b3fa387df754
# ╟─6b9a4b64-6656-11eb-10ce-7b4a8b3cd6a4
# ╟─9687bc24-666c-11eb-3b1e-edb5c448bad8
# ╟─a4a9afe4-6656-11eb-0664-83cb32ce934b
# ╟─9d3e9a92-6469-11eb-2952-b37367644c48
# ╠═f3cd5320-66d6-11eb-191c-4b4d8cba940d
# ╠═f5805956-66d6-11eb-04e8-b1faae8f0d3c
# ╠═c72359f4-66d7-11eb-395f-b3a1983a6eea
# ╟─bdea6774-66d7-11eb-1c62-8f0e935f98ef
# ╠═fb73ea0c-66d7-11eb-001c-23033aee228a
# ╟─07491ca8-66d8-11eb-3304-99f911b4bd1d
# ╟─2b99da2c-666d-11eb-1c64-337654a9d8f2
# ╠═d39fbca0-66db-11eb-1aae-7b29f559cb01
# ╟─1bcd317c-66e8-11eb-10df-c132d5f79155
# ╠═66c4f3fc-66db-11eb-0927-ebe1d40eeb3b
# ╟─2c63db0a-66dc-11eb-1a45-7902d591c3e1
# ╟─575d9e52-6468-11eb-2f95-63cd3920f91a
# ╠═2e6c3c30-66e6-11eb-10f0-ddaa1752cff9
# ╟─d701d778-66e7-11eb-16c2-ab49fc06e992
# ╠═055baa32-66e7-11eb-20fc-575565bda51b
# ╟─6a3905f4-66e6-11eb-0607-5534821caee6
# ╟─91c222ea-66e6-11eb-28ce-c1f1424525c8
# ╠═b5db566a-66e6-11eb-35fb-17d3fc4e258c
# ╟─a44eb7ea-66e9-11eb-10fa-2b0936b9f489
# ╠═d8f306ca-66e9-11eb-3728-156d0328250b
# ╟─2561d38a-66ea-11eb-10ab-27db1a87970b
# ╟─673cc322-666e-11eb-107f-2b9bd6826ad5
# ╠═1bf921be-66eb-11eb-089a-97dfe9418b32
# ╟─455d0b7c-66eb-11eb-3167-4b204ac741a5
# ╟─529a7324-66eb-11eb-0c1f-c37639e37a6e
# ╠═a87e36c4-66eb-11eb-223e-a1b077dca672
# ╟─b135affc-66eb-11eb-188b-a32ef1478ee6
# ╟─0aa99f86-6f97-11eb-2141-2d35c3e0857d
# ╟─f77039b0-6f97-11eb-177b-2730efcb4dcd
# ╠═fec108ca-6f97-11eb-06d9-6fe1646f8b98
# ╟─1559f57e-6f98-11eb-3539-1b1ae82c439b
# ╟─36e6783c-6f98-11eb-0b09-db56907e370d
# ╠═3f4422ce-6f98-11eb-111f-4d1624a326c7
# ╟─44ee1586-6f98-11eb-3452-f7db9e3738ad
# ╠═4a8f3088-6f98-11eb-1d0e-4b1ba2e676ae
# ╟─50cc4f32-6f98-11eb-25a4-ebaf581955ea
# ╠═56177258-6f98-11eb-276f-7d8053bdcb86
# ╟─5733a026-6f98-11eb-1b50-c75f87fbabe5
# ╠═5d770eb4-6f98-11eb-3206-8d26f2717981
# ╟─6824d1f2-6f98-11eb-12f1-adf1271af917
# ╠═6debc444-6f98-11eb-3c9e-4dc533fe13ec
# ╟─77d17b00-6f98-11eb-37ad-dd347db13fb3
# ╟─8b852fd4-6f98-11eb-1b3a-7ff47c51e99e
# ╠═8f566768-6f98-11eb-20ae-45d6f39cd210
# ╟─961e9cd2-6f98-11eb-362c-517edab85a8c
# ╠═a32f2a4a-6f98-11eb-18f9-efb51aac288c
# ╟─acc530cc-6f98-11eb-330e-077fcaf5bd62
# ╠═e5ca1bf8-6f98-11eb-1bd9-6f2f1fbe55c9
# ╟─eba05204-6f98-11eb-1e7c-4f7b49962f23
# ╠═f22b7874-6f98-11eb-0417-1de0d171c4ad
# ╟─f8265ba4-6f98-11eb-3938-0b38b2b93285
# ╠═fd8522ec-6f98-11eb-0a3c-01a91ee48de9
# ╟─0cce95b2-6f99-11eb-1161-1d446c3bbe44
# ╠═1a12d5a8-6f99-11eb-0e46-1529f881a3b0
# ╟─214ce458-6f99-11eb-0963-7965b5fba93a
# ╠═29efc990-6f99-11eb-0633-63fb74c5bebf
# ╟─2f3b762e-6f99-11eb-12f0-2d42ed8237e0
# ╟─372fa56c-6f99-11eb-115d-275699f1c05c
# ╠═473b6dec-6f99-11eb-04f0-07006f1996ba
# ╟─bf493588-6f14-11eb-3ddf-b7ce036aff36
# ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
# ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002