# Lab 2: Secure Software Design [WriteMd](https://writemd.rz.tuhh.de/876-Mxb3SeupKelDQ7eTvA?view) ## Security Requirements Security Pattern [Catalog](https://people.cs.kuleuven.be/~koen.yskout/icse15/catalog.pdf). ### Security Requirement Analysis | Task | Title | Pattern idea | Tactics | | - | -------- | -------- | -------- | | A | Enforce Password Policy, Single sign-on, Strong Authentication, Smart Cards | Credential Tokenizer, Single Sign-on, (Single Access Point) | Authenticate Users, Limit Exposure | | B | User data disclosure and write protection | Encrypted Storage | | C | Isolation of critical and non-critical domains | Server Sandbox, (DMZ) | | D | Do not require login on every transaction | Session, Load Balancing (-> JWT) | | E | Bank Clerk Operation Tracking | Secure Logger | | F | Bank Account Information Privacy, Transaction Authorization | MFA, Fraud Detection | | G | Mobile Device Communication Security | PKI, Public-Private Key Encryption -> Secure Pipe | ## Security Tactics Possible exam question: Name the differences between patterns and tactics and name a few of each category. *aka. goals* ## Security Patterns *e. g. SSO, MFA, OTP*