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\vspace{-4.5pt}{ \Large \bfseries #1} & \multirow{2}{*}{} \\[0.4cm]
#2 & \\[0.5cm]
\textbf{Name:} & #4\\
\textbf{Group:} & #5\\
\footnotesize \textbf{Software Testing} \hfil - \hfil Summer 2022 \hfil - \hfil #3 \hfil - \hfil Sibylle Schupp / Sascha Lehmann \hfil \\
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\paragraph{\textcolor{red}{Task~\arabic{question}} - #1\hfill\IfNoValueTF{#2}{}{[#2 P]}}
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\baseinfo{Project Phase #1 - Submission Sheet}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}
\def\name{[Add name here]}
\def\group{[Add group here]}
\projectinfo{1}{Software Testing - Random Testing\small}{\today}{\name}{\group}
%%% Task 1 %%%
\begin{question}{Select your open source project}[3]
\begin{enumerate}[topsep=0pt, leftmargin=*]
\item Motivate your selection of the project in 3-5 sentences:
[TODO: Add answer here]
\item Document the \textbf{build}, \textbf{install}, and \textbf{run} steps for your project:
[TODO: Add answer here]
%%% Task 2 %%%
\begin{question}{Answer basic questions on Random Testing / Randoop}[4]
\begin{enumerate}[topsep=0pt, leftmargin=*]
\item Answer the following questions (each in 2-3 brief sentences):
\item How do you define "Random Testing" in your own words?
[TODO: Add answer here]
\item In which testing situations is it used / probably preferred?
[TODO: Add answer here]
\item What are its most significant downsides?
[TODO: Add answer here]
\item How does \textit{Randoop} approach the concept of random testing?
[TODO: Add answer here]
%%% Task 3 %%%
\begin{question}{Get started with Randoop}[3]
\begin{enumerate}[topsep=0pt, leftmargin=*]
\item Briefly explain the concepts of \textit{error-revealing tests} and \textit{regression tests}:
[TODO: Add answer here]
%%% Task 4 %%%
\begin{question}{Use Randoop for your selected project}[6]
\begin{enumerate}[topsep=0pt, leftmargin=*]
\item Provide a screenshot of your terminal that indicates your execution of the necessary step(s):
[TODO: Add answer here]
% \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{terminal.jpg}
\item For each of both classes, pick a test from one of the generated files, and briefly describe its sequence of constructor / method calls (1-2 sentences per test):
[TODO: Add answer here]
/* Add code here */
\item Do the tests represent meaningful scenarios?
[TODO: Add answer here]