
282 lines
12 KiB

using Chess;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using static Chess.Piece;
namespace ChessPanel
public partial class ChessBoard : Panel
private BackgroundWorker BGWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
public Grid fields;
public List<Piece> pieces;
public PieceColor activePlayer;
private int GRID_SIZE = 8;
public bool isSaved = true;
Dictionary<Field, PieceTeam> SelectedPieceTargetSpots = new Dictionary<Field, PieceTeam>();
//private Vector? selectedField;
//private Vector? SelectedField
// get { return selectedField; }
// set { selectedField = value; HighlightValidTargetSpots(); }
private Field selectedField;
private Field SelectedField
get { return selectedField; }
set { selectedField = value; HighlightValidTargetSpots(); }
private bool FieldIsSelected
get { return selectedField != null; }
private void HighlightValidTargetSpots()
if (FieldIsSelected && selectedField.CurrentPiece != null) // Wenn das neu ausgewählte Feld eine Figur enthält, wird diese ausgewählt
if (FieldIsSelected)
if (selectedField.CurrentPiece != null)
//SelectedPieceTargetSpots = selectedField.CurrentPiece.GetValidTargetFields(fields);
SelectedPieceTargetSpots = selectedField.CurrentPiece.validTargetSpots;
if (SelectedPieceTargetSpots == null)
SelectedPieceTargetSpots = selectedField.CurrentPiece.GetValidTargetFields(fields);
if (SelectedPieceTargetSpots != null)
foreach (var TargetSpot in SelectedPieceTargetSpots)
/// <summary>
/// Setzt die Markierungen sowie die Liste der möglichen Zielfelder zurück
/// </summary>
private void ResetValidTargetSpots()
foreach (var validTarget in SelectedPieceTargetSpots)
SelectedPieceTargetSpots.Clear(); // Markierung der Zielfelder zurücksetzen
public int GridSize
get { return GRID_SIZE; }
set { GRID_SIZE = value; }
public ChessBoard()
this.DoubleBuffered = true;
this.Resize += new System.EventHandler(this.ChessBoard_Resize);
// this.validTargetSpotCalculator.WorkerReportsProgress = true;// Progress
BGWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
this.BGWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += ValidTargetSpotCalculator_RunWorkerCompleted;
this.BGWorker.DoWork += ValidTargetSpotCalculator_DoWork;
activePlayer = PieceColor.White;
private void ValidTargetSpotCalculator_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BGWorkerData data = e.Argument as BGWorkerData;
List<Piece> ActivePlayerPieces = data.pieces.Where(i => i.color == data.color).ToList();
int total = ActivePlayerPieces.Count;
int count = 0;
foreach (var piece in ActivePlayerPieces)
if (BGWorker.CancellationPending)
e.Cancel = true;
// validTargetSpotCalculator.ReportProgress((int)Math.Floor((float)(++count) / (float)total * 100f)); // Progress
private void ValidTargetSpotCalculator_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();
private void ToggleActivePlayer() => activePlayer = activePlayer == PieceColor.White ? PieceColor.Black : PieceColor.White;
private void DoPieceMove(Field PieceField, Field newPieceField, bool togglePlayer = true, bool skipValidTargetFieldCalculation = false)
isSaved = false;
#region Castling
if (PieceField.CurrentPiece.type == PieceType.King && Math.Abs(newPieceField.location.X - PieceField.location.X) == 2)
DoPieceMove(fields[((newPieceField.location.X - PieceField.location.X == -2) ? 0 : 7), PieceField.location.Y], fields[PieceField.location.X + (newPieceField.location.X - PieceField.location.X) / 2, PieceField.location.Y], false /*Dont Toggle Player*/, true); // Move Rook
#region EnPassant
foreach (Piece item in pieces.Where(i => i.type == PieceType.Pawn)) // Reset Enpassant Possible states each move
item.EnPassantPossible = false;
if (PieceField.CurrentPiece.type == PieceType.Pawn && !PieceField.CurrentPiece.HasMoved)
PieceField.CurrentPiece.EnPassantPossible = true;
if (PieceField.CurrentPiece.type == PieceType.Pawn && newPieceField.location.X != PieceField.location.X && newPieceField.IsEmpty)
fields[newPieceField.location, 0, (PieceField.CurrentPiece.color == PieceColor.White ? 1 : -1)].CurrentPiece = null;
//PieceField.CurrentPiece.HasMoved = true; // Figur Bereits bewegt Status aktualisieren
//newPieceField.CurrentPiece = PieceField.CurrentPiece; // Figur an neue Position kopieren
//PieceField.CurrentPiece = null; // Alte Kopie der Figur löschen
if (togglePlayer)
if (skipValidTargetFieldCalculation) BeginTargetFieldCalculation();
class BGWorkerData
public BGWorkerData(PieceColor color, List<Piece> pieces, Grid fields)
this.color = color;
this.pieces = pieces;
this.fields = fields;
public PieceColor color;
public List<Piece> pieces;
public Grid fields;
private void BeginTargetFieldCalculation()
if (BGWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation)
BGWorker.RunWorkerAsync(new BGWorkerData(activePlayer, pieces, fields));
private void InitializePieces()
pieces = new List<Piece>
new Rook(PieceColor.Black, new Vector(0, 0), fields),
new Rook(PieceColor.Black, new Vector(7, 0), fields),
new Rook(PieceColor.White, new Vector(0, 7), fields),
new Rook(PieceColor.White, new Vector(7, 7), fields),
new Knight(PieceColor.Black, new Vector(1, 0), fields),
new Knight(PieceColor.Black, new Vector(6, 0), fields),
new Knight(PieceColor.White, new Vector(1, 7), fields),
new Knight(PieceColor.White, new Vector(6, 7), fields),
new Bishop(PieceColor.Black, new Vector(2, 0), fields),
new Bishop(PieceColor.Black, new Vector(5, 0), fields),
new Bishop(PieceColor.White, new Vector(2, 7), fields),
new Bishop(PieceColor.White, new Vector(5, 7),fields),
new King(PieceColor.Black, new Vector(4, 0), fields),
new Queen(PieceColor.Black, new Vector(3, 0), fields),
new Queen(PieceColor.White, new Vector(3, 7), fields),
new King(PieceColor.White, new Vector(4, 7), fields)
for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
pieces.Add(new Pawn(PieceColor.Black, new Vector(x, 1), fields));
pieces.Add(new Pawn(PieceColor.White, new Vector(x, 6), fields));
foreach (Field field in fields)
private void InitializeGrid()
this.fields = new Grid(GRID_SIZE);
int subPanelEdgeLength = Math.Min(this.Size.Width, this.Size.Height) / GRID_SIZE;
System.Drawing.Size subPanelSize = new System.Drawing.Size(subPanelEdgeLength, subPanelEdgeLength);
for (int x = 0; x < this.GRID_SIZE; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < this.GRID_SIZE; y++)
Field field = new Field(x, y)
Size = subPanelSize,
Location = new System.Drawing.Point(x * subPanelSize.Width, y * subPanelSize.Height)
field.FieldClick += FieldClicked;
fields[x, y] = field;
this.Controls.Add(fields[x, y]);
private void FieldClicked(Field sender)
if (FieldIsSelected && SelectedPieceTargetSpots.ContainsKey(sender)) // Ein erlaubtes Zielfeld wurde angeklickt
DoPieceMove(SelectedField, sender); // Bewege Figur
ResetSelectedField(); // Auswahl zurücksetzen
if (SelectedField == sender) // Erneutes Anklicken des Auswahlfeldes
ResetSelectedField(); // Auswahl zurücksetzen
else // Tritt ein, wenn ein Feld angeklickt wurde, dass nicht das Auswahlfeld ist
if (FieldIsSelected) // Wenn ein Feld ausgewählt ist wird die Auswahl gelöscht falls nicht das Auswahlfeld angeklickt wurde
ResetSelectedField(); // Auswahl zurücksetzen
if (!sender.IsEmpty && sender.CurrentPiece.color == activePlayer) // Feld wird nur ausgewählt, wenn die Farbe der Figur mit der des aktiven Spielers übereinstimmt
SelectedField = sender; // Kein Feld ist ausgewählt: Angeklicktes Feld auswählen (!) AKTUALISIERT AUTOMATISCH DIE MARKIERUNGEN
/// <summary>
/// Löscht die Auswahl des aktuell ausgewählten Feldes
/// </summary>
private void ResetSelectedField()
SelectedField.Deselect(); // Auswahl zurücksetzen
SelectedField = null; // Erlaubte Zielfelder zurücksetzen
#region Helper Can be deleted
static readonly string[] Columns = new[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "AA", "AB", "AC", "AD", "AE", "AF", "AG", "AH", "AI", "AJ", "AK", "AL", "AM", "AN", "AO", "AP", "AQ", "AR", "AS", "AT", "AU", "AV", "AW", "AX", "AY", "AZ", "BA", "BB", "BC", "BD", "BE", "BF", "BG", "BH" };
public static string IndexToColumn(int index)
if (index <= 0)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index must be a positive number");
return Columns[index - 1];
private void ChessBoard_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void RefreshSize()
int subPanelEdgeLength = Math.Min(this.Size.Width, this.Size.Height) / GRID_SIZE;
System.Drawing.Size subPanelSize = new System.Drawing.Size(subPanelEdgeLength, subPanelEdgeLength);
for (int x = 0; x < this.GRID_SIZE; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < this.GRID_SIZE; y++)
fields[x, y].Size = subPanelSize;
fields[x, y].Location = new System.Drawing.Point(x * subPanelSize.Width, y * subPanelSize.Height);