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using Discord.WebSocket;
using MinecraftDiscordBot.Commands;
using MinecraftDiscordBot.Models;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace MinecraftDiscordBot.Services;
public class PlayerDetectorService : CommandRouter {
private readonly ITaskWaitSource _taskSource;
public PlayerDetectorService(ITaskWaitSource taskSource) => _taskSource = taskSource;
public override string HelpTextPrefix => "!pd ";
public override Task<ResponseType> FallbackHandler(SocketUserMessage message, string method, string[] parameters, CancellationToken ct)
=> throw new ReplyException($"The player detector cannot do '{method}'!");
private Task<T> Method<T>(string methodName, Func<string, T> parser, CancellationToken ct, Dictionary<string, object>? parameters = null)
=> RootCommandService.Method(_taskSource, methodName, parser, ct, parameters);
public Task<string[]> GetOnlinePlayersAsync(CancellationToken ct) => Method("getonline", RootCommandService.Deserialize<string[]>(), ct);
public async Task<PlayerPosition> GetPlayerPosition(string username, CancellationToken ct)
=> (await FindPlayerAsync(username, ct)) ?? throw new ReplyException($"User '{username}' is not online!");
private Task<PlayerPosition?> FindPlayerAsync(string username, CancellationToken ct) => Method("whereis", i => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PlayerPosition?>(i), ct, new() {
["username"] = username
[CommandHandler("getonline", HelpText = "Get a list of online players.")]
public async Task<ResponseType> HandleOnlinePlayers(SocketUserMessage message, string[] parameters, CancellationToken ct)
=> ResponseType.AsString($"The following players are currently online:\n{string.Join("\n", await GetOnlinePlayersAsync(ct))}");
[CommandHandler("whereis", HelpText = "Find a player in the world.")]
public async Task<ResponseType> HandleFindPlayers(SocketUserMessage message, string[] parameters, CancellationToken ct) {
if (parameters is not { Length: 1 }) throw new ReplyException($"Give me only one username!");
var username = parameters[0];
var player = await FindPlayerAsync(username, ct);
if (player is null) throw new ReplyException($"{username} is currently offline!");
return ResponseType.AsString($"{username} is at coordinates {player.X} {player.Y} {player.Z} in dimension {player.Dimension}.");