Michael Chen f728240db9
Added crude client rendering with pixi.js
Added keyboard controlling
Added fixed ball reflections on right paddle
added reflections on screen borders
Added goal (miss the paddle) detection
2022-11-04 04:05:20 +01:00

110 lines
4.0 KiB

using System.Drawing;
namespace PongGame.Hubs;
/// <summary>
/// Pong game state saving the positions of the paddles and the ball.
/// The Pong board has aspect ratio 1:2 with height 500 and width 1000.
/// </summary>
public struct PongGameState {
public const float HEIGHT = 500.0f;
public const float WIDTH = 2 * HEIGHT;
public const float PADDLE1_OFFSET = WIDTH / 20;
public const float PADDLE2_OFFSET = WIDTH - PADDLE1_OFFSET;
public static readonly PongGameState Initial = new() {
BallState = PongBallState.Initial,
Paddle1 = PongPaddleState.Initial,
Paddle2 = PongPaddleState.Initial,
Status = GameStatus.WaitingForPlayers,
WinnerLeft = null
public PongPaddleState Paddle1;
public PongPaddleState Paddle2;
public PongBallState BallState;
public GameStatus Status;
public bool? WinnerLeft;
public static void Update(ref PongGameState state) {
if (state.Status is not GameStatus.InProgress) return;
PongPaddleState.Update(ref state.Paddle1);
PongPaddleState.Update(ref state.Paddle2);
PongBallState.Update(ref state.BallState);
var ballX = state.BallState.Pos.X;
if (ballX is < 0 or > WIDTH) {
state.WinnerLeft = ballX < 0;
state.Status = GameStatus.Finished;
Collide(in state.Paddle1, ref state.BallState, true);
Collide(in state.Paddle2, ref state.BallState, false);
private static void Collide(in PongPaddleState paddle, ref PongBallState ballState, bool left) {
var paddleX = left ? PADDLE1_OFFSET : PADDLE2_OFFSET;
var intersection = RectangleF.Intersect(paddle.GetCollider(paddleX), ballState.GetCollider());
if (intersection.IsEmpty) return;
// TODO: continuous collision
var ratio = (ballState.Pos.Y - paddle.Height + PongPaddleState.PADDLE_HALF_LENGTH) / PongPaddleState.PADDLE_LENGTH;
// TODO: lesser angles
var upAngle = left ? MathF.PI * 3 / 8 : MathF.PI * 5 / 8;
var downAngle = left ? -MathF.PI * 3 / 8 : MathF.PI * 11 / 8;
// TODO: reflect ball on surface instead of launching
ballState.BallAngle = ratio * downAngle + (1 - ratio) * upAngle;
public struct PongBallState {
public const float BALL_SPEED = 2 * BALL_RADIUS;
public const float BALL_RADIUS = HEIGHT / 125;
public static readonly PongBallState Initial = new() {
BallAngle = 0.0f,
Pos = new() {
X = WIDTH / 2,
Y = HEIGHT / 2
public PointF Pos;
public float BallAngle;
public static void Update(ref PongBallState state) {
var (dy, dx) = MathF.SinCos(state.BallAngle);
state.Pos.X += BALL_SPEED * dx;
state.Pos.Y -= BALL_SPEED * dy;
if (state.Pos.Y < BALL_RADIUS
|| state.Pos.Y > HEIGHT - BALL_RADIUS)
state.BallAngle = 2 * MathF.PI - state.BallAngle;
public RectangleF GetCollider() => new(Pos.X - BALL_RADIUS, Pos.Y - BALL_RADIUS, 2 * BALL_RADIUS, 2 * BALL_RADIUS);
public struct PongPaddleState {
public const float PADDLE_LENGTH = HEIGHT / 10;
public const float PADDLE_HALF_LENGTH = PADDLE_LENGTH / 2;
public const float PADDLE_WIDTH = PADDLE_LENGTH / 5;
public const float PADDLE_SPEED = 8;
public static readonly PongPaddleState Initial = new() {
Direction = PongPaddleDirection.Stop,
Height = HEIGHT / 2
public float Height;
public PongPaddleDirection Direction;
public static void Update(ref PongPaddleState state) {
state.Height = Math.Clamp(state.Height - ((int)state.Direction) * PADDLE_SPEED, PADDLE_HALF_LENGTH, HEIGHT - PADDLE_HALF_LENGTH);
public RectangleF GetCollider(float x) => new(x - PADDLE_WIDTH / 2, Height - PADDLE_HALF_LENGTH, PADDLE_WIDTH, PADDLE_LENGTH);