
511 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_image.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_ttf.h>
#include "breakout.h"
#include "vector.h"
2018-01-16 12:10:37 +01:00
#define BALL_TexturePath "assets/images/ball.png"
#define PADDLE_TexturePath "assets/images/paddle.png"
#define BLOCK_TexturePath "assets/images/spritesheet.png"
#ifndef __nullptr__
#define Nullptr(type) (type *)0
#endif // __nullptr__
int BLOCK_TextureCount = 24;
int BREAKOUT_BoxWidth, BREAKOUT_BoxHeight;
SDL_Texture * BALL_Texture;
2018-01-12 09:47:32 +01:00
SDL_Texture * PADDLE_Texture;
SDL_Texture * BLOCK_Texture;
SDL_Rect * BALL_SourceRects;
2018-01-12 09:47:32 +01:00
SDL_Rect * PADDLE_SourceRects;
SDL_Rect * BLOCK_SourceRects;
2018-01-15 20:28:47 +01:00
Uint8 * PADDLE_MoveLeftKeys, * PADDLE_MoveRightKeys;
bool BREAKOUT_IsInit = false;
bool BALL_IsInit = false;
bool PADDLE_IsInit = false;
bool BLOCK_IsInit = false;
void BREAKOUT_INITIALIZE(SDL_Renderer * renderer, int width, int height){
if (!BREAKOUT_IsInit) {
printf("Initializing Game...\n");
BREAKOUT_BoxWidth = width;
BREAKOUT_BoxHeight = height;
printf("Game initialized!\n");
BREAKOUT_IsInit = true;
} else printf("Game is already initialized!\n");
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
Scenery BREAKOUT_CreateDefault(){
Scenery scenery;
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
scenery.StartCountdown = 240;
scenery.IsGameOver = false;
scenery.BlockCount = 135;
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
scenery.ball = BALL_CreateDefault();
scenery.paddle = PADDLE_CreateDefault();
scenery.blocks = malloc(scenery.BlockCount * sizeof(Block));
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
if (!(scenery.blocks)) printf("FATAL! Memory allocation failed!\n");
scenery.IsPaused = false;
scenery.Lives = 3;
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
int index;
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
for (int y = 0; y < 9; y++) {
index = 15 * y;
for (int x = 0; x < 15; x++) {
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
scenery.blocks[x + index] = BLOCK_CreateDefault();
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
scenery.blocks[x + index].TargetRect = (SDL_Rect) {.x = ((128 * x) + 2), .y = ((64 * y) + 1), .w = 124, .h = 62 };
scenery.blocks[x + index].TextureIndex = y + x;
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
return scenery;
2018-01-16 12:10:37 +01:00
} /* BREAKOUT_CreateDefault */
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
2018-01-15 20:28:47 +01:00
// This Function is obsolete! Do not use it!
void BREAKOUT_ChangeSize(int width, int height){
BREAKOUT_BoxWidth = width;
BREAKOUT_BoxHeight = height;
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
void BREAKOUT_Update(Scenery * scenery, const Uint8 * keystate){
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
if (scenery->IsPaused) {
// Render "Paused"
if ((scenery->StartCountdown)-- > 0) {
// Render "Countdown"
if (scenery->IsGameOver) {
scenery->StartCountdown = 240;
scenery->IsGameOver = false;
if (--(scenery->Lives) <= 0)
printf("Game over, no lives left!\n");
printf("Oh oh, only %d lives left!\n", scenery->Lives);
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
PADDLE_Update(&(scenery->paddle), keystate); // Update paddle before ball because paddle is not static!
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
BALL_Update(&(scenery->ball), scenery);
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
for (int i = 0; i < (scenery->BlockCount); i++) {
BLOCK_Update((scenery->blocks) + i);
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
} /* BREAKOUT_Update */
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
void BREAKOUT_Draw(Scenery * scenery, SDL_Renderer * renderer){
for (int i = 0; i < (scenery->BlockCount); i++) {
BLOCK_Draw(renderer, &((scenery->blocks)[i]));
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
BALL_Draw(renderer, &(scenery->ball));
PADDLE_Draw(renderer, &(scenery->paddle));
if (BREAKOUT_IsInit) {
printf("De-initializing Game...\n");
printf("Game de-initialized!\n");
BREAKOUT_IsInit = false;
} else printf("Game is already de-initialized!\n");
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
void BREAKOUT_DestroyObject(Scenery * scenery){
for (size_t i = 0; i < (scenery->BlockCount); i++) {
BLOCK_DestroyObject((scenery->blocks) + i);
void BALL_Initialize(SDL_Renderer * renderer){
if (!BALL_IsInit) {
printf("Initializing Ball...\n");
2018-01-16 12:10:37 +01:00
BALL_Texture = IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, BALL_TexturePath);
if (!BALL_Texture) printf("Ball texture failed to load!\n");
BALL_SourceRects = (SDL_Rect *)malloc(1 * sizeof(SDL_Rect));
if (!BALL_SourceRects) printf("FATAL! Memory allocation failed!\n");
BALL_SourceRects[0] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 0, .y = 0, .w = 512, .h = 512 };
printf("Ball initialized!\n");
BALL_IsInit = true;
} else printf("Ball is already initialized!\n");
Ball BALL_CreateDefault(){
double rotation = (double)(rand() % 360);
return (Ball) {
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
.Location = (Vector) {.x = BREAKOUT_BoxWidth / 2 - 15, .y = BREAKOUT_BoxHeight - 130 },
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
.Momentum = (Vector) {.x = 0.0f, .y = 15.0f },
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
.TargetRect = (SDL_Rect) {.x = BREAKOUT_BoxWidth / 2 - 15, .y = BREAKOUT_BoxHeight - 130, .w = 30, .h = 30 },
.Size = 15.0f,
.Rotation = rotation,
.RotationValue = 2,
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
.TextureIndex = 0,
.Speed = 15.0f
}; // Objekt für die Eigenschaften des Balls
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
void BALL_ResetPosition(Ball * obj){
(obj->Location).x = BREAKOUT_BoxWidth / 2 - 15;
(obj->Location).y = BREAKOUT_BoxHeight - 130;
RECT_SetTargetPos(&(obj->TargetRect), &(obj->Location));
void BALL_Draw(SDL_Renderer * renderer, Ball * obj){
// printf("Ball drawn at (%d|%d)!\n", (obj->TargetRect).x, (obj->TargetRect).x);
SDL_RenderCopyEx(renderer, BALL_Texture, BALL_SourceRects + (obj->TextureIndex), &(obj->TargetRect), obj->Rotation, NULL, SDL_FLIP_NONE);
bool BALL_CollideWithRect(Ball * obj, SDL_Rect * rect){
if (!RECT_Collide(&(obj->TargetRect), rect)) return false;
2018-01-15 13:54:17 +01:00
// Already returned with false if square ball hitbox didnt collide with rect
SDL_Point ballCenter = BALL_GetCenter(obj);
2018-01-15 16:02:21 +01:00
Vector center = (Vector) {.x = ballCenter.x, .y = ballCenter.y };
Vector corner;
2018-01-15 13:54:17 +01:00
bool left, right, top, bottom, yMid = false, xMid = false;
left = (ballCenter.x) < (rect->x);
right = (ballCenter.x) > (rect->x) + (rect->w);
top = (ballCenter.y) < (rect->y);
bottom = (ballCenter.y) > (rect->y) + (rect->h);
2018-01-18 11:45:19 +01:00
yMid = !(top || bottom);
xMid = !(left || right);
if (yMid) // Hit left or right
2018-01-15 16:02:21 +01:00
(obj->Momentum).x = -(obj->Momentum).x;
if (xMid) // Hit bottom or top
2018-01-15 16:02:21 +01:00
(obj->Momentum).y = -(obj->Momentum).y;
if (xMid || yMid) return true;
// double oldAngle = fmod((double)(VECTOR_GetRotation(obj->Momentum)), 360.0f);
if (left) {
corner.x = (rect->x);
} else if (right) {
corner.x = ((rect->x) + (rect->w));
} // Other case will not appear since returned above
if (top) {
corner.y = (rect->y);
} else if (bottom) {
corner.y = ((rect->y) + (rect->h));
// printf("Hit corner at %.0f|%.0f!\n", corner.x, corner.y);
// printf("Ball center at %.0f|%.0f!\n", center.x, center.y);
// TODO: Reflection at lot
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
double lot = VECTOR_GetRotation(VECTOR_GetVectorFromTo(corner, center));
double inRotation = fmod(VECTOR_GetRotation(obj->Momentum) + 180.0f, 360.0f);
double outAngle = fmod(lot + (0.5 * (lot - inRotation)), 360.0f);
printf("In: %.2f | Lot: %.2f | Out: %.2f\n", inRotation, lot, outAngle);
(obj->Momentum) = VECTOR_GetScaledDirectionalUnitVector(outAngle, (obj->Speed));
// printf("New Magnitude = %.2f\n", VECTOR_GetMagnitude((obj->Momentum)));
return true;
} /* BALL_CollideWithRect */
bool RECT_Collide(SDL_Rect * rect1, SDL_Rect * rect2){
if ((rect1->x) + (rect1->w) < (rect2->x)) {
return false;
if ((rect1->x) > (rect2->x) + (rect2->w)) {
return false;
if ((rect1->y) + (rect1->w) < (rect2->y)) {
return false;
if ((rect1->y) > (rect2->y) + (rect2->h)) {
return false;
return true;
2018-01-11 19:03:12 +01:00
void BALL_SteerMomentum(Ball * obj, Paddle * paddle){
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
double paddleHalfLen = ((double)((paddle->TargetRect).w) / 2.0f);
2018-01-11 19:03:12 +01:00
double offset = (((obj->TargetRect).x) + (obj->Size)) - ((paddle->TargetRect).x + paddleHalfLen);
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
offset /= paddleHalfLen;
offset *= (paddle->SteeringAngle);
DOUBLE_Constrain(&offset, -(paddle->SteeringAngle), (paddle->SteeringAngle));
(obj->Momentum) = VECTOR_GetDirectionalUnitVector(offset);
2018-01-12 14:04:44 +01:00
void RECT_SetTargetPos(SDL_Rect * rect, Vector * Location){
rect->x = (int)round(Location->x);
rect->y = (int)round(Location->y);
SDL_Point BALL_GetCenter(Ball * obj){
return (SDL_Point) {.x = ((obj->TargetRect).x) + (obj->Size), .y = ((obj->TargetRect).y) + (obj->Size) };
2018-01-11 19:03:12 +01:00
void BALL_CollideWithBorders(Ball * obj){
if ((obj->Location).y < 0.0f)
(obj->Momentum).y = -(obj->Momentum).y;
if ((obj->Location).x < 0.0f || (obj->Location).x > BREAKOUT_BoxWidth - (2 * (obj->Size)))
(obj->Momentum).x = -(obj->Momentum).x;
void BALL_MoveAwayFromBoundaries(Ball * obj){
while (((obj->Location).y) < 0)
while (((obj->Location).x) < 0)
while ((((obj->Location).x) + ((obj->Size) * 2)) > BREAKOUT_BoxWidth)
bool BALL_CollideWithPaddle(Ball * obj, Paddle * paddle){
2018-01-18 11:45:19 +01:00
if (RECT_Collide(&(obj->TargetRect), &(paddle->TargetRect))) {
SDL_Point ballCenter = BALL_GetCenter(obj);
if (ballCenter.y > (paddle->TargetRect).y) // if the ball hits the paddle from the sides (or the bottom (?))
BALL_CollideWithRect(obj, &(paddle->TargetRect));
BALL_SteerMomentum(obj, paddle); // Sets it to unit vector!
2018-01-12 14:04:44 +01:00
// Following assumes that the paddle position was udated before the ball was updated
while (RECT_Collide(&(obj->TargetRect), &(paddle->TargetRect))) { // Move away from rect in small steps
(obj->Location) = VECTOR_Add((obj->Location), (obj->Momentum));
2018-01-12 14:04:44 +01:00
RECT_SetTargetPos(&(obj->TargetRect), &(obj->Location));
(obj->Momentum) = VECTOR_ChangeScaleTo((obj->Momentum), (obj->Speed));
return true;
return false;
} /* BALL_CollideWithPaddle */
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
void BALL_Update(Ball * obj, Scenery * scenery){
Block * blocks = (scenery->blocks);
Paddle * paddle = &(scenery->paddle);
int BlockCount = scenery->BlockCount;
Vector oldMomentum = obj->Momentum;
Vector oldLocation = obj->Location;
(obj->Rotation) += (obj->RotationValue); // No effect on physics
(obj->Location) = VECTOR_Add((obj->Location), oldMomentum);
if (!BALL_CollideWithPaddle(obj, paddle)) // Collide with Paddle
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
for (int i = 0; i < BlockCount; i++) { // Check Collide with each block
if (blocks[i].HP <= 0) continue;
oldMomentum = obj->Momentum;
oldLocation = obj->Location;
if (BALL_CollideWithRect(obj, &(blocks[i].TargetRect))) {
BLOCK_DealDamage(blocks + i, 1);
(obj->Location) = VECTOR_Add(oldLocation, (obj->Momentum));
RECT_SetTargetPos(&(obj->TargetRect), &(obj->Location));
2018-01-15 13:54:17 +01:00
if ((obj->Location).y > BREAKOUT_BoxHeight) // Collide with box boundaries
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
scenery->IsGameOver = true;
else BALL_CollideWithBorders(obj);
2018-01-12 16:49:17 +01:00
RECT_SetTargetPos(&(obj->TargetRect), &(obj->Location));
} /* BALL_Update */
2018-01-15 13:54:17 +01:00
void BALL_DestroyObject(Ball * obj){
2018-01-15 13:54:17 +01:00
void BALL_Deinitialize(){
if (BALL_IsInit) {
printf("De-initializing Ball...\n");
printf("Ball de-initialized!\n");
BALL_IsInit = false;
} else printf("Ball is already de-initialized!\n");
void PADDLE_Initialize(SDL_Renderer * renderer){
if (!PADDLE_IsInit) {
printf("Initializing Paddle...\n");
2018-01-16 12:10:37 +01:00
PADDLE_Texture = IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, PADDLE_TexturePath);
if (!PADDLE_Texture) printf("Paddle texture failed to load!\n");
PADDLE_SourceRects = (SDL_Rect *)malloc(1 * sizeof(SDL_Rect));
if (!PADDLE_SourceRects) printf("FATAL! Memory allocation failed!\n");
2018-01-15 20:28:47 +01:00
PADDLE_SourceRects[0] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 0, .y = 0, .w = 1000, .h = 100 };
PADDLE_MoveLeftKeys = (Uint8 *)malloc(2 * sizeof(Uint8));
if (!PADDLE_MoveLeftKeys) printf("FATAL! Memory allocation failed!\n");
PADDLE_MoveRightKeys = (Uint8 *)malloc(2 * sizeof(Uint8));
if (!PADDLE_MoveRightKeys) printf("FATAL! Memory allocation failed!\n");
PADDLE_MoveLeftKeys[0] = 2; // Erster wert gibt größe des arrays an
PADDLE_MoveRightKeys[0] = 2;
printf("Paddle initialized!\n");
PADDLE_IsInit = true;
} else printf("Paddle is already initialized!\n");
} /* PADDLE_Initialize */
Paddle PADDLE_CreateDefault(){
int defaultpaddlewidth = 300;
return (Paddle) {
.TargetRect = (SDL_Rect) {.x = (BREAKOUT_BoxWidth - defaultpaddlewidth) / 2, .y = BREAKOUT_BoxHeight - 100, .w = defaultpaddlewidth, .h = 30 },
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
.TextureIndex = 0,
.Speed = 10,
2018-01-18 11:45:19 +01:00
.SteeringAngle = 40.0f,
2018-01-18 15:20:01 +01:00
.Mode = KeyboardControl
}; // Objekt für die Eigenschaften des Balls
2018-01-21 15:33:09 +01:00
void PADDLE_ResetPosition(Paddle * obj){
(obj->TargetRect).x = (BREAKOUT_BoxWidth - ((obj->TargetRect).w)) / 2;
(obj->TargetRect).y = BREAKOUT_BoxHeight - 100;
void PADDLE_Draw(SDL_Renderer * renderer, Paddle * obj){
// printf("Paddle drawn at (%d|%d)!\n", (obj->TargetRect).x, (obj->TargetRect).x);
2018-01-15 20:28:47 +01:00
SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, PADDLE_Texture, PADDLE_SourceRects + (obj->TextureIndex), &(obj->TargetRect));
// SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
// SDL_RenderDrawRect(renderer, &(obj->TargetRect));
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
bool KeyPressed(const Uint8 * keystate, Uint8 * keyArray){
for (int i = 0; i < (*keyArray); i++) {
if (keystate[keyArray[(i + 1)]]) return true;
return false;
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
void INT_Constrain(int * variable, int min, int max){
if (*variable > max)
*variable = max;
else if (*variable < min)
*variable = min;
void DOUBLE_Constrain(double * variable, double min, double max){
if (*variable > max)
*variable = max;
else if (*variable < min)
*variable = min;
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
void PADDLE_Update(Paddle * obj, const Uint8 * keystate){
2018-01-18 11:45:19 +01:00
bool leftKeyPressed = false, rightKeyPressed = false;
int paddleXMid = (obj->TargetRect).x + ((obj->TargetRect).w / 2);
int mouseX;
switch (obj->Mode) {
case MouseControl:
SDL_GetMouseState(&mouseX, NULL);
if (abs(mouseX - paddleXMid) > (obj->Speed)) {
if (mouseX > paddleXMid)
rightKeyPressed = true;
leftKeyPressed = true;
case KeyboardControl:
leftKeyPressed = KeyPressed(keystate, PADDLE_MoveLeftKeys);
rightKeyPressed = KeyPressed(keystate, PADDLE_MoveRightKeys);
printf("Unknown Paddle Control Mode: %d!\n", obj->Mode);
if (leftKeyPressed && (!rightKeyPressed)) {
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
((obj->TargetRect).x) -= (obj->Speed);
} else if ((!leftKeyPressed) && rightKeyPressed) {
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
((obj->TargetRect).x) += (obj->Speed);
2018-01-15 22:01:58 +01:00
INT_Constrain(&((obj->TargetRect).x), 0, (BREAKOUT_BoxWidth - ((obj->TargetRect).w)));
2018-01-18 11:45:19 +01:00
} /* PADDLE_Update */
2018-01-12 16:49:17 +01:00
void PADDLE_DestroyObject(Paddle * obj){
2018-01-15 13:54:17 +01:00
void PADDLE_Deinitialize(){
2018-01-12 09:47:32 +01:00
if (PADDLE_IsInit) {
printf("De-initializing Paddle...\n");
2018-01-12 09:47:32 +01:00
printf("Paddle de-initialized!\n");
PADDLE_IsInit = false;
} else printf("Paddle is already de-initialized!\n");
void BLOCK_Initialize(SDL_Renderer * renderer){
if (!BLOCK_IsInit) {
printf("Initializing Block...\n");
2018-01-16 12:10:37 +01:00
BLOCK_Texture = IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, BLOCK_TexturePath);
if (!BLOCK_Texture) printf("Block texture failed to load!\n");
BLOCK_SourceRects = (SDL_Rect *)malloc(BLOCK_TextureCount * sizeof(SDL_Rect));
2018-01-12 09:47:32 +01:00
if (!BLOCK_SourceRects) printf("FATAL! Memory allocation failed!\n");
2018-01-15 20:28:47 +01:00
BLOCK_SourceRects[0] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 2000, .y = 1500, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[1] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 2000, .y = 2000, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[2] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 2000, .y = 2500, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[3] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 0, .y = 3000, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[4] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 1000, .y = 3000, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[5] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 2000, .y = 3000, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[6] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 0, .y = 3500, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[7] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 1000, .y = 3500, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[8] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 2000, .y = 3500, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[9] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 0, .y = 500, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[10] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 2000, .y = 0, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[11] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 0, .y = 1000, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[12] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 0, .y = 1500, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[13] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 1000, .y = 0, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[14] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 1000, .y = 500, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[15] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 1000, .y = 1000, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[16] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 1000, .y = 1500, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[17] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 0, .y = 2000, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[18] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 1000, .y = 2000, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[19] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 0, .y = 2500, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[20] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 1000, .y = 2500, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[21] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 0, .y = 0, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[22] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 2000, .y = 500, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
BLOCK_SourceRects[23] = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 2000, .y = 1000, .w = 1000, .h = 500 };
2018-01-12 09:47:32 +01:00
printf("Block initialized!\n");
BLOCK_IsInit = true;
} else printf("Block is already initialized!\n");
} /* PADDLE_Initialize */
Block BLOCK_CreateDefault() {
2018-01-12 09:47:32 +01:00
return (Block) {
2018-01-15 20:28:47 +01:00
.TargetRect = (SDL_Rect) {.x = 0, .y = 0, .w = 100, .h = 50 },
2018-01-12 16:49:17 +01:00
.TextureIndex = (rand() % BLOCK_TextureCount),
.HP = 1
2018-01-12 09:47:32 +01:00
}; // Objekt für die Eigenschaften des Balls
void BLOCK_Draw(SDL_Renderer * renderer, Block * obj){
2018-01-12 16:49:17 +01:00
if ((obj->HP) > 0) {
// printf("Block drawn at (%d|%d)!\n", (obj->TargetRect).x, (obj->TargetRect).y);
SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, BLOCK_Texture, (BLOCK_SourceRects + (obj->TextureIndex)), &(obj->TargetRect));
void BLOCK_DealDamage(Block * obj, int dmg){
if (((obj->HP) -= dmg) <= 0) printf("Block was destroyed!\n");
2018-01-12 09:47:32 +01:00
void BLOCK_Update(Block * obj){
// Do nothing currently
2018-01-12 09:47:32 +01:00
void BLOCK_DestroyObject(Block * obj){
2018-01-12 09:47:32 +01:00
2018-01-15 13:54:17 +01:00
2018-01-12 09:47:32 +01:00
void BLOCK_Deinitialize(){
if (BLOCK_IsInit) {
printf("De-initializing Block...\n");
printf("Block de-initialized!\n");
BLOCK_IsInit = false;
} else printf("Block is already de-initialized!\n");